FIITJEE Talent Reward Exam - Admission cum Scholarship Test

Over 1.5 lakh students across wrote the FIITJEE Talent Reward Exam (FTRE) held on 23 December, a big jump from last year’s entrants. It goes to show how popular the FTRE becomes with every passing year. The exams showcase the logical thinking and scientific aptitude of the students.

The students writing the exam range from class V to class XII. Students in class V and VI wrote one paper with objective type questions in the subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Aptitude for duration of three hours.

Students from classes VII, VIII and IX wrote two papers for the duration of three hours each. Paper I gauges their flair in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics while Paper II tests goal-oriented analytical skills in the same subjects.

Students in classes X and XI wrote three papers, with duration of three hours each. The first paper tests Aptitude, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and Biology. The second paper is on Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and the third paper is on Biology.

The number of students who took the exam in Tamil Nadu and Kerala alone was over 9300. Most students found the exam challenging and expressed interesting views about the questions in the test papers. The results will be declared for different classes between January 5 and January 14.